(Online Study is available)
Doctor of Business Administration
Doctor of Media and Technology
Doctor of IT Technology/Management
Doctor of Digital Design
Doctor of Finance
Doctor of Human Capital Management
Doctor of Project Management
Doctor of Entertainment Management
Masters:(Intermediate awards available:
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (Mobile Commerce)
Master of Business Administration (Casino and Shopping Mall Management)
Master of Media and Technology
Master of IT Technology/Management
Master of Digital Design
Master of Finance
Master of Human Capital Management
Master of Business Psychology
Master of Project Management
Master of Entertainment Management
Master in Construction Management
Master in Construction Technology
Master in Construction Surveying
Master of Civil Engineering
(Intermediate awards
available: HDip)
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration (Mobile Commerce)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Casino and Shopping Mall Management)
Bachelor of Media and Technology
Bachelor of IT Technology/Management
Bachelor of Digital Design
Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Human Capital Management
Bachelor of Business Psychology
Bachelor of Project Management
Bachelor of Entertainment Management
Bachelor in Construction Management
Bachelor in Construction Technology
Bachelor in Construction Surveying
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Detectology Investigation